Institutional Distinctiveness


Sports Achievements

Healthy mind lives in a healthy body. To meet academic achievements students need healthy body and mind. Sports and games help to build physical health, confidence and self-esteem. Games and sports inculcate the habit of discipline, responsibility, concentration, memory, creativity, dedication, hard work and team work which enhance the students’ abilities. The physical education department of our college has shaped outstanding sports personalities, who had brought laurels to the state and University. Through sports students are selected. This is a gate way for them to enter in various government jobs. Our student positioned in police departments at various level.

Sports not only make the students healthy but pave the way for their brighter future. Other students are also motivated by sports students who bring laurels to the college, as they are honored with prize money and medals on stage. The socio economic status of poor students are improved as they get priority in jobs through sports. The rural women is given quality education, and empowered. They become an asset to the family, college and nation. Through sports upliftment of students occur.


2022 - 2023


Social Responsibility

Our Institution plays a tremendous role in taking social responsibility. Through education students and staff take responsibility to confer environmental values, traditional, skills and cultural norms. The various departments play a major role in imparting knowledge and awareness to public. The environmental awareness is created on the use of plastics, say no to plastics, use of eco-friendly napkins and Manjappai awareness so that the public can avoid plastic bags and use eco-friendly bags.

The computer has become inevitable part of all business. E-waste was collected by the students from their households and finally hand over it to Municipal Office. The collection of E- Waste was done by the Eco club of the college from several places in and around Cumbum, Theni Dt. including Pudhupatti, NagaiyagoundanPatti and Surulipatti.

Health of the women plays a key role in the function of the society. This was introduced by healthy food habits among adolescents, facts of food, and awareness of healthy food was given. Breast feeding awareness also was given to lactating mothers. Environment is the place for living, thus it should be safe, protected, and conserved for sustainable future.  All of us should have the social responsibility for a sustainable future.

2021 - 2022

Institutional Distinctiveness

          A Green Campus is a place where environmental friendly practices and education combine to promote sustainable and eco-friendly practices in the campus. Our Institution is surrounded by a lush green environment, making it one of the most eco-friendly colleges in Theni District. SACWC is a best example of Eco-Friendly Campus. Rainwater harvesting is done at various levels in the campus. The Eco Club of our college is effectively executing various initiatives such as Organic Farming, Herbal Garden, Kitchen Gardening, and Skill Development Programme in Bamboo Utility Handicraft Assembler. Our organic farm cultivates Spinach, Beans, ladies finger, Medicinal plants etc… Different species of trees have been planted in the campus for enhancing the green diversity. The campus is plastic free and the office of the college is paperless.

          The students of the college utilize cloth bags especially MANJAPAI to avoid plastic consumption. The students use more eco-friendly utensils such as bags, water bottles, tiffin box to popularize this practice. These practices aim at developing a clean and green campus. The eco-friendly campus of the institution is acknowledged with GREEN CHAMPION AWARD from Theni District Collector during the academic year 2021-2022.


Institutional Distinctiveness

The vision of the college focuses on women’s empowerment. Women get confidence through Empowerment.  The world would definitely witness gender equality and help women from every situation of society stand on their own and steer their lives as per their own wishes. This makes them live a happy and respected life in society it involves thorny education and training.

The tailoring unit is started in our college with 10 sewing machines that are placed and time is framed according to that students are streamed for learning.  

Women’s empowerment is possible only through associating them with self-employment. Our college along with collegiate education has started to promote sewing skill development training. The master trainers trained them from time to time. After successful training, they learn and design various costumes

The girls learn tailoring and how to run a small tailoring business from their homes. They leave with the means to a livelihood and the capacity to provide for their own families’ sewing needs.  

During the tailoring course, girls learn to compute a budget for clothing and savings from making their own clothes. Girls learn to save money they would have to send on clothes in order to purchase a sewing machine.

2018 - 2019

Institutional Distinctiveness

The vision of our college “To impart quality education in all its dimension to the rural women folk in order to bring out their self- assertiveness and empowerment”. Our college is located in a serene environment. The backbone of our area is agriculture. Most of the students admitted in our college are from agricultural family. All of them are traditional and still stick to rules that females should follow. After dusk most of the parents will not allow their children especially girls outside the house. So they suffer academically. Within the college hours only students are able to complete their work for that our management has provided a DTP (Desktop publishing) centre with technical assistant. DTP Centre which can give technical help to students in various project works like typing, printing and scanning. The books, journals and magazines which are in non-affordable price are taken photocopies and binded for the needy students. And it was utilized by the students and was retained for department reference also. Students can utilize morning time before bell, during break, during lunch hour and after college time to do their works in DTP centre. DTP facilities have ample opportunities of undertaking job work on the basis of printing and publishing. And it also facilitates with Spiral binding, project and book binding.

2019 - 2020

Institutional Distinctiveness

        The college has played a pivotal role in providing educational opportunities to the rural areas surrounding it. The college has earned a reputation in the society and is well known for academics, sports and extracurricular activities. The college was established during 1996 for imparting knowledge to the first generation learners of rural area of Cumbum valley. The location of the college is endeavoured with natural beauty, serenity and integrity. Special emphasis is given to women empowerment through education. For that institute takes lots of effort to sustain and given education to women’s folks.

The institute has constituted the following rewards forties staffs and students the mode of reward is in the terms of appreciation, certificate and moments: Best class, best department, 100% university result, best outgoing student, topper of the class/ department. The institute receives application from the eligible students and scrutinises and gives the award in different categories.

In order to maintain the students and empower them to study. They have to be involved, make them responsible, and provide opportunities. Giving student a sense of ownership allows them to feel accomplished and encourage active participation in the class. Setting expectations and making reasonable demands encourage students to participate but sometimes student’s need an extra push in the right direction offering students with incentives makes learning for and motivates students to push themselves. Rewards give students a sense of accomplished and encourage them to work with a goal in mind.

Women empowerment of the process of empowering women, it may be defined in several ways, including accepting women’s viewpoint and making an effort to seek them, raising the status of women through education, awareness, literacy and horning.