
BEST PRACTICES – 2023-2024



  • To encourage and instill pride in youth
  • To make them financially independent.
  • It is a Good tool for community outreach.

Once we experience success, they may become obsessed with achieving more. This leads to success which fuels the continuous laurels of our student, made us to give more preference.


The institute has adequate facilities for sports and games. It has grounds for Kho-Kho, kabbadi, Volley ball, hand ball, throw ball and badminton court. Students are admitted freely in sports quota and free boarding and lodging is provided. Special coaching is provided by external coach. Healthy food is also provided.


Students avail the opportunity of practice, learning, team work helps to develop their skills. Every year the students bring laurels to college by wining overall championship and Individual championship in competitions organized by mother Teresa women’s university and national level


Even though healthy food is provided for increasing their stamina, student’s feels very feeble after heavy practice and some injuries caused are the problems encountered. Their biological cycle affects their match.



  • To unlock the potential of human creativity
  • Opportunity to enjoy and inspire the new technology
  • Innovation to new technology learners

Students are addicted to Technology. In order to use this in correct way and guide them, Technology being used in correct sense for E content, creation of audio files, information sharing etc.,


Student’s team are formed and guided by staff to create content based department events, special days, National events etc., Students team are selected from I year, II year and III year. They choose the title, discuss with the staff, create content and upload. Finally the link is shared to all students who can utilize it and share with others.


Until now we have created number of contents on general topics, subject oriented- technical and Non-technical, literature etc., creative stories and poem by the students are contributed. Students’ knowledge is instilled with new technology on various subjects.


            Continuous motivation and consistent work allotment is required. Team misleading is another problem encountered. After creating a content link it is provided to the students but making them to listen is another task.








To enhance students’ understanding towards scientific methods

To explore the creative talent of the students and make them to think outside the box.



Rural School students get great opportunities to experience a variety of inventions. To provide and develop scientific knowledge and temper to the underprivileged students in and around Cumbum valley.



Our college conducts this Science expo for the School students from various rural area around cumbum valley gets benefited through this programme. Students are organized into teams where each student express their ideas, ideas are culminated and executed. Various working models, scientific concepts and plays are displayed.



Students avail this opportunity of practical learning, team work and helps to develop communication skills. School students from nearby villages learn the scientific methods and working principles. More than 2,159 students from 35 schools visited the SAC-Expo.



As the schools do not have proper transport facility, the College has to make arrangements. Financial constrain is a major hurdle, Management plays vital role in meeting up the needs.


  1. NOTES (optional)

Every year Adi Chunchanagiri Shikshana Trust, at Karnataka organizes jnana Vijnana Tantrajnana mela and the model we presented has been awarded with certificate and trophy so far.





          Counselling helps to achieve desired change

           To encourage and develop special abilities and right attitude



           By addressing issues such as anxiety, stress, etc… counsellors help students to foster positive outlook. Teacher counsellors support all those students who are talented, yet nervous/shy who cannot demonstrate themselves.



            Each student has mentor – mentee relationship helps to understand the problems of individual with two certified counsellors who are trained by Chellamuthu trust, Madurai is in charge of counselling cell provide confidential counselling to students. The students are encouraged to spend time in self-discovery as means of career awareness.



 Students obey and follow the words of the mentor– counsellor focus on the studies and score well, the mentor has to keep an eye on the students and follow them



         Students become adamant and do not open up their problems. The counsellors/mentor become emotional as the students ignore the words of them yet they have ready to handle any situation





Title of the practice:  Short-term courses

Objectives of the Practice:

  • To bring out the hidden talents, promoting self-learning skills and employment opportunities for the students.

The Context

Every department offers one Short term course as an open choice to the students. It provides additional professional training to the students. It enhances the student’s confidence level to adapt easily to their work.

The Practice

Our college conducts Short term courses for various departments. The assigned staff from each department for the concerned course has designed the syllabus structure and timetable of their respective course. The classes and practicals are conducted accordingly. The Certificates will be awarded to the students.

Evidence of Success

  • The part-time employment opportunities for learners have acquired expertise for generating income through their self-reliance and skill development.
  • The parents of the students are appreciating this practice for exhibiting their talents in vermicomposting, yoga course, Mushroom Cultivation, etc…

Problems encountered and Resources required

As the students are coming from various streams, their level of understanding varies as per the course. Hence it is the challenge of the faculty to adopt new teaching methodologies which will be easily accessed by the students.

Title of the practice : Webinars

Objectives of the Practice:

  • To understand their field of interest
  • To execute their jobs with more efficiency through better learning outcomes

The Context

Webinars are more significant in the current scenario as it is more effective than face to face classroom lecturing. The students can access the webinar anytime that is convenient for them.

The Practice

Our college conducts various webinars which enable the students to get orientation programs, their subject learning, and widen their knowledge. They will attend the classes from the comfort of their remote areas. It improves networking and learning. Each and every department of our college conducts webinars with renowned experts from National/International Universities.

Evidence of Success

  • Students acquire sound knowledge of their subjects through these webinars
  • It offers the largest platform for students to meet other students and share information
  • Provide them with awareness of the endless opportunities in the field of placement, higher education, etc…

Problems encountered and resources required

It allows limited opportunities to interact and the network access is a big challenge for the students in remote areas. The campus is enabled with free Wi-fi connection which can be utilized by the students.



Title of the practice:  Enrichment of staffs and students 

Objective of the Practice

  1. Expose to various speakers of different universities
  2. Greater interaction among peer groups
  3. Motivate staff for quality teaching

The Context

Pandemic made us to switch to new technologies to enhance the academicians. Online programme help us to explore new topics and helps to cover your full potential, anytime, anywhere.

The Practice

Due to pandemic, students were unable to come to college, online classes were conducted. All the departments organized number of webinars and online faculty development programmes to enrich the knowledge of staff and students. The students felt elated as they are exposed to new speakers and interacted the peer groups.

Evidence of Success

More than 58 webinars and FDP programmes are organized. The staff were enhanced on new teaching skills and various platforms of Google were handled to take online classes and webinars. They learnt new techniques of pedagogy.

Problems encounter and resource required

Students felt difficult to access network for sometimes. Staffs were unable to participate in the FDP programmes with some minor issues only. Network and student participation are the resources required.

Title of the Practice:  Waste Management System in the Campus 

Objective of the Practice

  1. To maintain a clean and green campus
  2. To make Litter free campus
  3. To make Plastic free campus

The Context

Effective waste management system with a Total of 12701sq.ft of green area and 250 sq.ft of medicinal garden is there for waste management system, helps to collect heaps of litter

The Practice

The waste are segregated into degradable and non-degradable waste. E waste are collected separately and provided to vendors. Non degradable waste are taken up by municipality and degradable waste are deposited at one site for biodegradation. After biodegradation it is used as biofertilizer for organic farming.

Evidence of Success

Organic farming is emphasized to avoid pollution and to stay healthy. When tonnes of fertilizers are obtained, it is used for the nearby land for organic farming. Economy is also raised by that. Waste collected to wealth.

Problems Encountered

Collection of waste during rainy season becomes inconvenient.  Open dumping of solid waste creates problem of flies and stinking. Collection and segregation of solid waste is very hard to solve.

2019 - 2020

E-content Development


  • To provide quality education through technology
  • To develop e-content using contemporary ICT.
  • To implement deeper levels of growth and conceptual development in learning
  • To improve the students’ technical skill
  • To create opportunities for students to develop their technical career

The context
          Today the entire world is moving speedily towards digitalization and we have to learn new things using new technologies. E-content is becoming popular because of its flexibility of time, place and pace of learning. It includes all kinds of content created and delivered through various electronic media. It has a significant implications for open and distance learning institutions. Electronic content (e-content) which is also known as digital content refers to the content or information delivered over network based electronic devices or that is made available using computer network such as internet. The purpose of e-content development is to create an information rich society. Everyone in the society is empowered to create, receive, share and utilize information for their progress.

The practice
           E-content is valuable to the pupil and also helpful to the teachers. It is the latest method of instruction that has attracted more attention to gather with different concepts. The ultimate aim of the e-content is to abolish the disparity among the learners through effective education. It enhances the learners’ knowledge level which leads to creative thinking and it gives the future ideas on the basis of given links, and references.

       Innovative technologies will make it possible to achieve these by providing new ways to teachers. Hence, as teachers have to meet these new challenges by continuously acquiring new knowledge and skills to discharge our duties effectively. For that our IQAC has organised a training programme in E-content development through Faculty Development Programme for the teachers. Through that well- developed e-content can be delivered by the teachers to the students of our college. These e-content has been uploaded as an audio-video in the YouTube channel for the further reference of the students. Individual course components i.e. units, lessons and media elements such as ICT and PPT can be re-used in different contexts. E-content is available in many subjects and almost all levels of education. Teachers and students get benefited by the use of well designed and developed e-content.

Evidence of success
   E-learning allows more flexibility regarding time management. Students can take lessons and contribute to discussions at the time that is most convenient for them, and review materials as often as needed. More than 120 e-contents have been available in our institutional website. Among these, 14 e-contents have been uploaded in the YouTube channel for the easy accessibility of the students. Each department has been given a separate link with password for the students. If students are busy, are in different time zones, or cannot conform to rigid schedules that they can easily access with this link.

Problems encountered
  The capacities of learners’ computers, as well as their infrastructure and connectivity, need to be considered before making any decisions on technology. Understanding whether learners have easy access to network systems is crucial when deciding on the delivery format. Being aware of bandwidth limitations is particularly important. In the event of limited Internet access, for example, it may be necessary to provide materials offline in a downloadable format, or to deliver training through mobile technology. But these new technologies are placing more demands on teachers to learn how to use them in their teaching and learning processes. This great transformation is posing challenges to teachers and teacher educators in using technologies in creative and productive ways.


Promotion of research aspiration among faculty members


  • To pursue their research and publish their findings
  • Encourage the students to present papers at different programmes.
  • Promote research culture at college level.
  • To improve the students intellectual skill.
  • To create opportunities for students to develop their career.

               Research cell encourages the students to pursue research on their academic area and to create new innovative ideas relevant to research. The students are encouraged to participate and present papers at symposium, conferences, seminars and workshops. It enriches the research programs that will lead to competitive excellence. This interdisciplinary approach will lead to a successful career.

The Practice
                The programme of the research cell encourages the students to undertake and pursue their research in their academic area. It organise regular research programmes like workshops, seminars, symposium and conferences in the college. It helps the student to find out important relevant issues and to do research on the area. The research cell guide the faculty members and the students to overcome the issues that they faced at their research time. Concept of research is to invent new ideas for the benefit of the society. Regarding financial issues the faculties get funds to do research with the help of the Management by contributing 50% of subsidy to the Ph. D pursuing faculty members during their registration. Intellectual quality of the teachers and students can be improved with the help of paper presentations and some other activities like presenting and publishing articles in different journals also one among the research activities. The main function of this cell is to carry out by organizing workshops and seminars and insist the faculty members to publish and present papers/ articles in a reviewed Journals. It extends advice and suggests new ideas from time to time regarding the developmental activities of the cell. It shall strive to inculcate the enriching habit of reading books in a technologically enabled and intellectual atmosphere. It stimulates them to exercise their consistent endeavours to accomplish their research.


Evidence of Success
        The research cell has organised various programmes to evaluate the faculty members and students on the basis of their area as well as their subject knowledge. With the financial support and guidance provided by the management, out of 69 staff members, 24 have been registered and 3 of them got awarded and 21 of them have been pursuing their Ph.D in the year 2019-2020. It is the duty of the cell to conduct counselling to increase their confidence level. For the liability of the staff members our management has provided 6 ODs for a year to accomplish their research work successfully. Students with disruptive approach towards their research should be given extra guidance. It caters the need of bright students. It should help them to acquaint with new rising project as well as new working trends.

Problems Encountered
          Though our research cell has monitored in all aspects. The faculty members has been affected with the lack of availability of guides for many subjects. Every student should be given the chance to expose the weaknesses and express completely. A free and frank conversation is thus needed to peep through the personality of the student. Committee should be liable to create congenial environment for this.

2018 - 2019

ICT in Teaching-Learning process


        The Institution ever focuses on the provision of advanced teaching and learning methods to our students eventhough located in rural region which is backward in its technological advancements.

        Hence, the Institution effectively follows ICT methods in teaching and learning so as to equip the students to compete with urban college students in their technological advancements.


        The Institution though already having this practice, as a means of post-accreditation measure, the college has extended it further. The extended practice is followed by various strategies such as Unit-wise e-content preparation by all faculty members, awareness and practice given to students on Inflibnet usage, N-list membership and its effective usage is made compulsory for students and faculty. However, all these ICT methods of teaching-learning process regularly goes on along with the traditional chalk and talk method, thus the gap created by the ICT methods is fulfilled by this traditional method.


         It is a well-known fact that the Audio-Visual observation is much effective than the oral listening. Hence, to get rid of the monotonous learning of students from oral listening, the Institution practices various ICT methods in teaching-learning process.

  •  PPT is compulsory for Seminar taken by students, since seminar is a part of their internal marks
  • Assignment submitted by students through e-mail to respective subject in-charge which is reviewed in MS-Word and sent back to students
  • Awareness and practice given to students for e-book learning and reference along with hard copies
  • Students are encouraged to use e-contents if they are either absent to the classes or to refer again the already handled classes
  • Students are encouraged to use Digital library and Inflibnet during their library hours; it is instructed to login N-List regularly to refer e-journals and e-magazines
  • Teachers handling classes effectively with the assistance of e-contents such as PPT, playing movies and audios, etc.
  • To improve students’ Communicative English, Language Lab classes are conducted along with teacher conversation practice

Evidence of Success:

  • The students’ extent of reference has increased with the practice of ICT mode of teaching-learning process
  • The students’ need for extended reference and knowledge acquisition is satisfied with the use of Digital Library and Inflibnet
    Classroom teaching-learning process has become so lively with the use of Audio-Visual mode which helps them to imbibe the curriculum effectively
  • With the use of Language Lab, the student’s Communicative English has improved, which enables them to compete with the fluency of the urban college students

Problems Encountered:

  • The college is located in remote rural region where the students are from in and around villages. When they entered into the college, most of the students were computer illiterates. So, it was so difficult to get them accustom with the technological advancements of teaching and learning.
  • Most of the students are from Tamil medium, and it was a great challenge to enable them to use Language Lab for conversational practice
  • Being located in a rural area, occasionally the college encounters certain technical problems

Department Extension Activities


       Our college inculcates social values and responsibilities to the faculty members and students by imparting extension activities to the neighbourhood villages for holistic development of the society. The college has NSS, YRC, RRC and other service forums, in which various programmes are organised. Apart from that every department also shows interest in contributing extension activities. Through extension activities, students learn collaboration, teamwork, leadership qualities and the importance of working together.


        Our college is located in Theni district, which is an agricultural based area located in the foot hills of Western Ghats. The people in around of our college follow various agricultural practices. Steps are taken to create awareness on various aspects.

        Our college has adopted Murthinayakanpatty nearby village where every department has taken initiative to organise a program. English department takes the basic grammar to the rural students. BBA department has taken initiatives to take market survey. The department of biochemistry checks blood group and HB level to women and indicate their health status. Biotechnology department organised one day training on mushroom cultivation to women of that village. The department of CS and IT has arranged a digital awareness to nearby village. The department of physics had created awareness on renewable energy to farmers. The department of Mathematics taught Fun with Maths to nearby rural school students. Cash less transaction is promoted by commerce department. Rural adult women eating habits is followed by Nutrition FSM &D department.

         This generation has been educated and moves to urban places for need of employment. The elders are left behind and they join the orphanages/old age homes. Some of mentally retarded students also looked after in the homes. When the management went and visited the places during special occasions in their home they came to know the about the needs of elders and the feelings of loneliness. This made to visit the orphanages/homes routinely by all departments.


        The students of BBA go to that village for market survey on automobiles, kitchen accessories, beauty cosmetics etc., and they analyse the customer usage, satisfaction and product improvement details. Cashless transaction is the need of the hour, the department of commerce has taken initiatives to introduce cashless transaction to rural people. With the help of the mobiles door to door steps are taken to impart net banking, Google pay etc.

         The college have a mushroom unit, through which village women are given demonstration on production, Cultivation, Harvesting and maintenance. Students and staff of Biochemistry went and checked the blood group and HB level of women in the adopted village and the findings were reported. Adult women selected in adapted village and their eating habits are known first and nutritional knowledge is Imparted and advised to change the eating habits for their Health benefits.

         Today’s world is digital world enclave with social media. All of us should know the pros and cons of usage. CS and IT staff and students collect the people in adopted village and communicated the merits and demerits of using social media. The physics department visit the field directly and made the farmer aware on the usage of renewable energy. The department of maths prepares models and make the rural students to learn maths with fun. The English department taught English grammar for the rural students of the adopted village.

         There are ten major departments in our college. Every month a department takes responsibility and visit a particular home or orphanage, prior to going they enquire about the requirements, no of beneficiary’s age sex etc. they buy the requirements, students and staff visit the place. The students has donated dresses, play equipment, some of the departments donated food. They distribute the things bought, sit and chat with them, entertain them by dancing, playing singing etc. The small children, adults also show their talents. The management is magnanimous enough and they buy rice bags and donate every month

Evidence of Success:

        The various department’s extension program has created awareness on various platforms to the adopted village Murthinayakanpatty. The local people are made aware of available quality market products, cashless transaction, mushroom cultivation, blood grouping, healthy eating habits, fun with maths, renewable energy, safety use of social media and learning grammar with ease. The rural students, farmers and women are moving towards sustainable energy, and learning made simple. The women keeping in the benefits of healthy eating habits are preparing healthy diets and giving to their family and take care of their own health. Through all these activities we have empowered many women of the nearby village.

          The smile that is seen in their faces is the success of our visit. The elderly people are longing for love and affection. When students visit and spend quality time with them, their hearts are filled with love. The students become emotional and both of them share their feelings.